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Collaborate with me on your original song. We will consider lyrical prosody, arrangement, and future production. We will embark upon the writing process together.

Industry Insights

Are you an artist with no idea how to break into the industry? Learn the basics of how to copyright songs, prepare demos, pitch your songs to artists, and get your music played on the radio.


Get feedback on your songs or recordings. Learn the art of songwriting and the many different methods professionals use to create hit songs.

Special Education

These sessions are designed to assist exceptional students in exploring the Zones of Regulation and discovering how music can soothe emotional distress.


Brittany holds a bachelor’s Degree in Communication and a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology. She is also a graduate of the world-renowned Berklee College of Music, where she honed her songwriting skills alongside award-winning songwriters like Bonnie Hayes, and Scarlett Keys.


Brittany is pursuing a Doctorate Degree in Music Therapy with a concentration in Autism Research and currently resides and works in the DMV area as a Special Education Teacher.

Brittany is under management with EJH MUSIC with distribution through MNRK (indieblu).